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Zespół Szkół im. Narodów Zjednoczonej
Europy w Polkowicach

Zespół Szkół im. Narodów Zjednoczonej Europy w Polkowicach

Zespół Szkół im. Narodów Zjednoczonej Europy in Polkowice is the only secondary school in the municipality of Polkowice. It consists of 3 types of schools: General Secondary School, Technical School and Industry First Degree School. In General Secondary School currently has 245 students aged 14-19. The school employs 65 teachers and 3 non-teaching employees. High School students have the opportunity to study in classes with profiles: mathematics, science, humanities, management, language and police. The school is attended by students from different areas (both urban and rural), coming from different backgrounds, with different material status. The school provides students with optimal conditions for their full development, introduces students to the world of values, including respect for dignity, acceptance, openness, or tolerance. Learning at the school takes place with accordance with the vision of modern education based on the 4 competencies of the future: communication, cooperation, creativity and critical thinking. We are certified as a school that teaches critical thinking. Students have the opportunity to develop knowledge, key competencies, their passions and interests through participation in many national and international projects implemented by the school. The authority in charge of the school’s teaching, upbringing and care activities is the Headmaster. The governing body of the school is Polkowice County. The authority supervising the institution is the Lower Silesian Superintendent of Education. 


Team Members

Dr. Jolanta Rubiś-Kulczycka

School Director

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Msc. Sylwia Szeliga-Gawrońska

project coordinator

Deputy director, certified teacher of German, graduate of the Academy of Educational Leaders, coordinator of international projects, including Erasmus + programme. Responsible for the proper implementation of statutory tasks at the Secondary School. Carries out activities related to pedagogical supervision at school and professional development of subordinate teachers. Provides assistance to teachers in the performance of didactic, educational and caring tasks. Inspires teachers to pedagogical, methodical and organisational innovations.


Dr. Eng. Zdzisław Pólkowski

Head of the teaching team

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Dr. Aleksandra Kazienko

Member of teaching team

I graduated with a degree in biology from the University of Wroclaw, where I earned a doctorate in natural sciences and science in the discipline of biology. I am currently a teacher of biology and chemistry. I often undertake various activities aimed at popularizing natural sciences among students. My scientific interests are ecology and environmental protection.

Honorata Poźniak

Deputy project coordinator

Head of practical training, teacher of vocational subjects. Responsible for the implementation of apprenticeships for students. Deals with all matters related to the organization and pedagogical supervision of practical vocational training in those establishments where juvenile employees who are school students are employed For many years, he has been coordinating projects financed from EU funds, including under the Erasmus plus program, in which he deals with the implementation of public procurement and budget.


Nikolas Papenfus


I am 18 years old. I am a 4th year student of IT technical school who goes beyond the learning system and develops independently.

Jakub Przybysz


I am 19 years old. I am a student of the 4th grade of the IT technical school, my knowledge goes beyond the school system. My main interests are computer science - hardware, programming, sports and motorisation.

Julia Wadas


I am Julka from class 4bp, and I am extending biology and chemistry in the natural science profile. I spend most of my time studying for my school-leaving exams, but I try to devote every free moment to my loved ones and myself. Reading and listening to music are my recreation. I like travelling, meeting new people and tasting the cuisines of the world.


Kacper Fuczek


I am 17 years old. I go to the second year of a general high school with a managerial profile. I'm interested in interior design and upcycling. I use renovated items in my projects, in which I focus on eclecticism. I try to combine history and a modernist approach to design. I attach particular importance to taking care of cultural heritage. I'm open to the world. I like getting to know new places, people, languages ​​and cultures.


Ola Czerep


Hi. I'm at highschool moreover I'm very friendly and curious person. I like to travel and get to know new cultures. Recently I started going to track. I love swimming and reading books. I also think our world is extremely amazing place and have many secrets that we didn't solve yet. I'm a person who wants do it this.