In many academic institutions, professors and students do not collaborate in the field of research. However, there are some settings in which academic staff and students share a shared enthusiasm for discovering new knowledge.
Faculty members are motivated by students’ enthusiasm for advancing knowledge in their areas of expertise, and what motivates their research informs their teaching.
Students’ research is integrated directly into the modules in their curricula. They are seen as participants in the educational process, exchanging the most up-to-date thinking in workshops and courses, and many have the chance to become active participants in research teams.
If you’re a teaching assistant, there are a few things you can do to help you learn how to teach innovatively:
-Start by asking your students what they think is best – they’re the experts on their learning, so they can provide you with the info you need.
-Ask them what they think of your teaching and then incorporate it into your own.
-Work in a team – innovation isn’t something you can do alone.
-Use your teaching assistant network to come up with new ideas and find out what works for your peers.
-Finally, don’t be afraid to try new things –
-If you don’t get it right the first time, just adjust and try again.
Teaching with technology
In the current digital age, technology and education have become increasingly intertwined. Teachers often rely on their preferred technology tools to streamline their work and interact with their students. The rapid development of new technology solutions, as well as the continual improvement of existing ones, has made them increasingly applicable in educational settings. This ever-changing landscape can be difficult to navigate, even for those who are already proficient in the use of technology.
To help educators navigate this ever-evolving landscape, the Global Digital Citizenship Foundation has compiled a list of the essential technology tools that every teacher should have in their possession, both for personal use and as educational tools for the classroom. While some of these tools are becoming increasingly popular, they are all valuable resources that can help to improve the teaching experience.
The use of technology in the classroom has a significant impact on the level of engagement with educational material. It has become an integral part of the curriculum, providing a means of achieving the desired educational objectives. To effectively utilize technology in the classroom, educators should integrate it into their particular areas of study and classes. By utilizing the appropriate solutions, educators can not only draw in students but also improve the overall quality of teaching.
These are some of the most popular tools used to help people learn.:
-The use of devices such as tablets and laptops provides access to a variety of digital resources, such as e-books and educational apps. These can be used to take notes, access study materials, and develop digital skills.
-Online learning platforms such as Moodle and Blackboard enable teachers to upload course material, assign assignments, and communicate with students remotely. -Mobile apps and specialized software are also available, such as Duolingo and Khan Academy for language and math respectively. Video conferencing solutions such as Zoom, Skype, and Microsoft Teams are essential for facilitating remote teaching and student communication.
-Simulations and educational games can also be used to enhance the learning experience, such as by illustrating complex concepts or developing practical skills.
-LMSs provide the ability to organize and manage courses, track student progress, and store learning materials.
Good example related to collaboration academics and students you can find in Jan Wyzykowski University. [Online], Available, Accessed [24 July 2016]
University of Exeter, Active learning and innovative teaching, University of Exeter, [Online], Available at:, Accessed [24 July 2016]
Bildfell A., What is Innovative Teaching and How can We Implement it into Our Classrooms as the Post-Secondary Level?, Carleton, 2015, Available at:, Accessed [24 July 2016]
M. Khairnar, Advance Pedagogy: Innovative Methods of Teaching and Learning, Internatiolan Journal of Information and Education Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2015, [Online], Available at:, Accessed [24 July 2016] K-12, Blueprint, See slides available at: Transforming Education for the Next Generation