Subject-oriented Business Process Modeling
The concept of processes for S-BPM is consistent with the concept commonly used to define business processes in traditional BPM (cf. Becker et al. 2008, p. 6; Schmelzer and Sesselmann 2010, p. 61ff; Fischermann 2006). We therefore understand a business process as a set of interrelated activities (tasks), which are handled by active entities (people or systems performing work tasks) in a logical (with respect to business) and chronological sequence, and which use resources (material and information) to work on a business object for the purpose of satisfying a customer need (to thus contribute an added value), and which have a defined start and input, as well as a defined end state and result. Business objects as such are those objects, which are economically relevant for shaping the business and which include the communication relationships in the course of task accomplishment. In S-BPM therefore, those objects are considered which are relevant during the exchange of messages between subjects, and which are also relevant for the individual activities of the subjects.